
19 Ocak 2013 Cumartesi

Introducing Osmaniye Province 5

The 19th century. Mohamed Pasha captured at the beginning of this region, the 1840 Treaty of Kutahya province of Adana was started again and given back to the Ottomans. The history begins after 1865 the city of Osmaniye.
Establish the authority of the central government, but the traveler, the central government does not recognize, inhabited by tribes that do not tax and soldiers, for disciplining in 1865 a military force created by Division-I Islahiye. Cevdet Pasha was appointed to the region and the dignity of a queen-i Islahiye sects are his commands. At that time, began to Adana center Payas 1877 banner in the land productive, and because it is implanted in Yarpuz'a Gavur Jabal-i Bereket Mountain (Mountains of fertility) is called. Payas and Osmanabad accidents başlanmıştır.2 this banner. After the Constitution was transferred to the central flag Osmaniye.
1. At the end of World War II, this part of the territory of the defeated Ottoman Empire invaded the French. The French suffered heavy losses and that the people who resist the occupation, with Turkey on 20 October 1921 by signing the Treaty of Ankara have begun to leave the region. January 7, 1922 in Osmaniye, I pulled back as they went.
For this reason, every year as Independence Day on Jan. 7 Osmaniye kutlanmaktadır.Cebelibereket ensign of the enemy invasion, in 1877, was established to provide asayiğini Gavur mountains. Pennyroyal 30 years in 15 years, also deployed in Osmaniye. In 1923, due to conversion of the county, with republic sancaks "Cebelibereket Province" was the name. 1 June 1933, the district has been converted into a savings of unknown origin and was started in Adana.
Search for local authorities prior to the elections held on November 3, 1996, the province is also raised in Parliament in the provincial vote to be held on October 23, 1996 initiated the decision, published in the Official Gazette No. 22801 10/24/1996 28/10/1996 days and days and 4200 by Law no re- province has been a.

Introducing Osmaniye Province 4

osmaniye kilimi
Amanus Kilikya'sında Prokonsüllük who had the famous orator and statesman Cicero MS 51 'In a letter to the emperor of the Amanos'lardan bahsedilmektedir.Roma Mark Antony (39 BC - 31) selected by the local king and the capital, he founded Tarkandimotos'un-Kastabala with the city of Hierapolis, the Roman monuments in the city of Flaviopolis Kadirli town was founded on .
Anno Domini Region in 260 the Sasanian King I. Shapur conquered. Anno Domini Balbinos'un insurgent control has passed to Rome in 380 Isaurialı.
All of Cilicia, suffered damage from an earthquake in 524 cities. Emperor Justinian in 561, a second earthquake in Cilicia, which was completely destroyed all the cities. After that, the outbreak of plague in urban and rural areas had led to great loss of life? R.
Anno Domini Anatolia from the 7th century, consists of a passion to get the Arab states. In this period, all of different nationalities from Europe, but the leadership of the Crusaders, the Umayyad, Abbasid, and of the Turks in this region has experienced major wars. Important in the region during the Abbasid Caliph Harun Rashid and repaired the castle and re-built in residential areas.
The time of the Seljuk Turks from Anatolia and later landed a part of the plain of Adana as the Osmaniye village Haraz area established for the first time.
Anno Domini XI and XII century. a period in the region has been dominated by the Crusaders. Anno Domini Local Armenian kings ruled the region until the beginning of the XIV century.
Anno Domini After 1332 the control of the district, Mamelukes. 1352'de Ramazanoğulları principalities, 1517, then was taken over by the Ottoman state. These places, the dominant tribal principalities, was organized as a flag. If this flag during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, before the name of Üzeyirli Zülkadriye province, and later started the Aleppo province.

Introducing Osmaniye Province 3

Akkadian king Sargon (ca. 2340 to 2284) and the Taurus Mountains, the historical content Amanus inscriptions, mentions comes from the borders of southeastern Anatolia.
Another Akkadian king, after Sargon'dan Naramsin (BC 2260 to 2223), the inscriptions up to the limits of military expeditions Anatolia describes doing. Bogazkoy Naramsin tablets "Cedar (Amanus) ıskuppu king" is called.
BC 3 thousand years of Mesopotamian sources, "Amanum" tablets of the Hittite Empire period, "Amana", BC 4 to 7 century. In the Assyrian inscriptions "Hamanu", Classical era sources "Maurun Oros", which belongs to the Crusaders, the western sources, "Montana MIGRA", the sources of the Islamic era, "Cebel'ül Lukka saved as" zone; people said Gavur mountains, with geographers naming Amanos'lardır .
Gökçedam village, 500 m south of the castle cliffs Hemite Babaoğlan processed, and the fortress of the king relief of 300 m. the hill away from the face of a rearing horse on the person and his depictions of people vaziyetteki prays, is similar to the Hittite king reliefs. The kings of the Hittite written sources and the people of this region is referred to often.
King, Late Hittite city Asativata (8th century BC.) Karatepe kurmuştur.M.Ö a border fortress. V. and the fourth century. The Persians who ruled Anatolia, Çukurova, in the east of the egemendiler.M.Ö. IV. century. end, and BC I century AD. the dominant force in the region of the mid-Seleukoslardır.M.Ö. 333 Great Emperor Alexander IV. Dariusu Dortyol eaten plain. Rock tombs, necropolis areas, some of the fundamentals of the castles of stone and masonry and architectural items from the ruins of the Hellenistic period, indicating that the settlement in these areas.

Introducing Osmaniye Province 2

General Information
Area: 974 sq km
Population: 458,782 (2000)
Provincial Traffic Code: 80

Up in Cukurova, the Ceyhan River in the eastern part of its vast hinterlandıyla Osmaniye, Ceyhan River, Khamis, Karachay, Kesiksuyu and wetlands because of Soap Teas, as well as due to the busy junction of roads from the east, a region of Cukurova.
Çukurova has rich agricultural lands and forests, with a large one is not cute. Osmaniye, Karatepe, Aslantas Open Air Museum and the ancient cities in the center of Turızım.
Osmaniye 's Short History
Çukurova in the east of Osmaniye province, thousands of years görmüştür.Buraların settlement date, the oldest of two different historical periods up to write the history of the province of uzanmaktadır.Osmaniye process should be examined. In the province of Osmaniye Osmaniye city history and the history of the area, there are two different history.
Before the date of the city of Osmaniye, examine the history of the region. From the first centuries of the Hittites, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, such as states and has been the scene of some of the tribes yaşayışlarına. Later, the Umayyad and the Abbasids lived in this land, the conquest of Anatolia by the Turks from the Turkish tribes gelmiştir.12 century to 1080 years. Turkish is the home of the region since the beginning.
Under the southern and western slopes of the reservoir Aslantas Domuztepe'nin Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Bronze and Iron ages, that of the settlements in the district of çıkarılmıştır.Kadirli Topraktepe mound, stony mound, Ispir mound, Tırmıl Cevdetiye mounds and mounds in the town are Karataşlı. Future research in this area is much fertile land and wetlands, a large number of mounds, waiting to go face the day.

Introducing Osmaniye Province 1

Osmaniye Haritası
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